March 12, 2014

Ambrotype or Tintype?

We offer two unique ways to create special wet plate collodion photographs from your digital images.  Wet plate collodion photography began in the 1850's and was especially in use during the civil war when Matthew Brady produced thousands of glass plate (ambrotype) photographs as he captured moments instantly that have become a lasting part in the collection of our photographic history.  We create ambrotypes like those of Brady's time, using similar chemical formulas to expose all types of images to glass plates.  These ambrotypes are available in three different color styles, ruby red, cobalt blue, and opaque black.  Tintypes are wet plate collodion images exposed to metal sheets.  Traditionally, tintypes were exposed to black metal sheets.  We offer a twist on the traditional tintype and expose plates in four different metal styles, black, brown, high polish silver, and rose gold. 

wet plate collodion digital tintype ambrotype wet plate collodion from digital how to make a tintypeRuby red, opaque black, and cobalt blue ambrotypes made from digital files.