May 14, 2014

Incredibly creative kids!

In creating tintypes we get some pretty amazing family images and stories.  This tintype was just created for Mother's Day and when we first saw the image in our uploader we had to get the story of these two boys.  Thanks to their Dad for sharing their story and tintype!



"The tintype arrived and it is absolutely awesome!  My boys are very excited to give it to their mother on Mother's Day. Thank you!

As for the picture, this is the Halloween costume they chose last year.  I am a computer administrator by profession, but my wife and I choose to limit the amount of time that can be wasted on technology through video games and tv.  Instead, my wife, a librarian, always reads to them....a lot!  As a result, my boys have always been big into playing dress-up.  They like to recreate historical events and other things that they read in books.  So we always have lots of 'visitors' from history stopping by to tell us a tale.  It's not uncommon to have visits from Miami War Chief's and pilgrims like William Bradford and Christopher Jones (attached below).  And yes, they design their own outfits!  It's understood in our house that if you can't find an article of clothing you need to check the dress-up box. 

Thanks again for the wonderful tintype."
