June 11, 2013

A restored family heirloom

We received some heartwarming feedback from a client that offered to share his experience on our site.  It is quite a remarkable story!

"Just wanted to let you know that I received the Tintype today, and I am VERY happy.

A little background, this man was John W. Eddy, he was my Uncle.  As a young man, he enlisted in the Union Army during the Civil War, was wounded at the Battle of Gettyburg, was taken captive, and died in a Confederate Prison.  The Original Photo has been lost over the years, and the digital image I sent you was a retouched version of a very old copy that once appeared in the Local Newspaper on Memorial Day in 1910.  It's so nice to have this, since the original is gone, and this can take it's place and be a new family heirloom."

digital tintype photographic restoration

 Above is an image sent from the client of his cased tintype, back at home on the family bookshelf.