August 12, 2020

Top five memories people don't want to forget!

  1. Newborn baby moments.  These frozen memories of when mom and baby first meet are forever priceless.  Imagine us taking  your mom and newborn moment and casing it in one of our miniature tintype heirloom cases.  These micro mini cases make precious pocket memories. 
  2. Wedding day photographs.  Pick your absolute favorite wedding day photograph for us to turn into a tintype.  The tintype is the perfect gift for your tenth anniversary.  The traditional gift for a tenth anniversary is one of tin, and your loved one will be blown away to open such a thoughtful gift to commemorate your very special day.
  3. Graduation day ambrotypes.  Turning your favorite portrait of a recent graduate into a glass ambrotype made of silver and light creates a precious photographic heirloom.   These unique one of a kind pieces are a beautiful way to honor your one of a kind graduate!
  4. Engagement photos.  Take these moments from your social media account and get them into your hands!  There is always that one very special engagement photo, it's your favorite one.  That one that captures that perfect moment of both of you.  Let us turn that moment into a piece of magic by creating a tintype or ambrotype of the image.
  5. Old family photographs.  We hear so often about how this one tattered old photograph is the only one that the family has of a long lost relative.  These images can be restored by our expert team, and transformed into a tintype or ambotype.  This breathes new life into your family history and creates an heirloom image that can physically be passed down to the next generation.


Let us help you get started preserving your family's photographic history!